
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Teaching Gradeschoolers Programming

Hello beautiful Moms!

It's been two months since Lady M took Grade 1 lessons. So I decided to incorporate Computer Class in her Subject List. Since I don't have a book dedicated for this, I gathered all my computer books in college and selected topics that I think will be helpful in encouraging her to study programming.

These are the lessons we tackled before starting with Programming:
  1. What is Computer
  2. Basic History of Computers (e.g. the oldest form of computer, the Father of Computers, etc.)
  3. Present Day Computers
  4. Uses of Computer Programming
  5. Ergonomics: Health and Safety

Scratch Programming Language

I used Scratch for Lady M since she is fond of animals and I think it is appropriate for her age. For older gradeschoolers I suggest using Alice or Processing.

Scratch is a visual programming language, it is free and is user-friendly, so parents who have little or no experience with programming will have no difficulty in using it with their kids. One thing to note is kids must already know how to read and count so they can follow the instructions in the tutorial and then when they are done, both of you may check the project. Try changing the values of your variables so your kids will see the changes and how it affects the whole project.

At first, Lady M was hesitant she thought programming was way too complicated for her but when we started coding and she saw the results of her work, she got very enthusiastic with it since then!

 So that's it Moms! I hope this post helped you in some ways. God bless!


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